Día de los muertos
Day of the Dead
El sentido cristiano del árbol de Navidad (Articulo en Español)
The Christian meaning of the Christmas tree (English Article)
The human being is by nature adaptable and perfectible
Independence Day
Reopening the Churches in the United States Pt. II
Reopening of the Churches in the United States
Let's not confuse happiness with security II
Let's not confuse happiness with security
What is the missionary activity of the Church?
We cannot be the same. We must learn from our mistakes.
Nature makes its way to itself
No se puede contemplar un amanecer sin haber pasado por la oscuridad de la noche
Palm Sunday
COVID-19: Time to Cultivate Fear or Cultivate Faith?
A Message for Lent 3: Acids, Bases, and Neutralization
Is faith intelligible?
Adult Babies