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My New Assignment

Writer's picture: Father MartinFather Martin

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

By the grace of God, I have been chosen to be the new administrator of this parish, in which I humbly accept with delight. I am aware that this is great responsibility, but I ask for your continuous prayers so that God may guide me and allow me to do His will. I am aware that I am not here to do my own will, but to do what God through the orders of Bishop Barnes will ask me to do. My job is to continue with what has been established in our parish by my predecessor and to look for new ways of perfecting the areas of opportunity that are presented. I ask the collaboration of all the parish ministries to continue with the vision that Pope Francis and Bishop Barnes have manifested for this parish in the county of San Bernardino: “a church in mission, in constant outreach to the peripheries, guided by the Holy Spirit”. Throughout these eight years that the Missionaries Servants of the Word have administered the parish, God has allowed us to see that when forces unite, His providence is manifested. I encourage you all to continue to work together and to take care of everything that has been accomplished because it is the outcome of everybody’s work and participation. Let us ask our Lord Jesus, our Blessed Mother the Virgin Mary, and our patron Saint Joseph, to guide us in our journey and that they help us plant the authentic Christian values in everyone that comes to our parish.

United in Christ Missionary


Father Juan Martin Escobedo, MSP

Mi Nuevo Cargo

Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,

Por la gracia de Dios he sido elegido para ser administrador de esta parroquia, del cual acepto con mucho gusto. Sé que es una responsabilidad muy grande la que voy asumir, pero me encomiendo a sus oraciones para que Dios me ilumine y pueda hacer su voluntad. Estoy consciente de que no he venido para hacer mi voluntad propia, sino lo que Dios a través del Señor Obispo me pedirán. Mi labor es darle continuidad a lo que ya ha estado establecido en nuestra parroquia por mi antecesor y buscar nuevas formas de perfeccionar las áreas de oportunidad que se presenten. Espero la colaboración de todos los ministerios parroquiales para continuar con la visión que el Papa Francisco y el Obispo Gerald Barnes han manifestado para esta Iglesia del condado de San Bernardino: “una iglesia en salida que vaya hacia las periferias, guiados por el Espíritu Santo”. A través de estos ocho años que los Misioneros Servidores de Palabra han administrado la parroquia, Dios nos ha hecho ver que cuando las fuerzas se unen, la providencia se manifiesta. Les exhorto a seguir trabajando juntos y a cuidar todo lo que se ha logrado porque este es el resultado del trabajo de todos. Pidámosle a Jesús Sacramentado, a la Virgen Maria y a nuestro patrono San José, que nos iluminen en nuestros caminos y nos ayuden a sembrar los auténticos valores en todas las personas que nos visiten.

Unidos en Cristo Misionero


Padre Juan Martin Escobedo, MSP



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Fontana CA 92335

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Mon-Fri 8:00am - 6:00pm


We, the Church of St. Joseph, a community of believers in Jesus the Christ, are called to promote the Gospel of our Lord to the World. We shall welcome the stranger and enrich the lives of the faithful through the diverse multicultural ministries and through catechesis.


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